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Sheila Hood is an ex-cop whose marriage is on the rocks. Rather than confronting her husband about an affair, she hides surveillance cameras in her home and watches his transgressions, being a voyeur of her own life. Her husband, Tom Kale, is an ornithologist who begins an affair with an ex-girlfriend, Merle James, whose beauty and fragility echoes that of the birds he studies. Ray Starling, the charismatic owner of a boutique hotel, is Merle’s lover, and has dealings with her father, Mr James, a powerful oil baron who operates in the shadows but whose influence touches the whole city. Merle’s younger sister, Hazel, is also drawn to Tom, but trapped in Starling’s web of power. Calvin is an cop whose loyalty to his ex partner, Hood, is tested when mounting evidence from her own surveillance tapes connects her and Tom to Starling’s murder, and perhaps even Merle’s mysterious death.


《洞玄子》是一本十分强调房中气功导引,认为房室之事要循天地之法,遵阴阳之理,方可养性延龄的房事论的书籍。 《洞玄子》的作者真实姓名和生平年代很难查考,一说洞玄子为唐代道家张鼎之号,其他来源均无从考证。 《洞玄子》一书的最大特点是对古代房室交合艺术的全面论述,是对房事的体位、方法的全面总结。关于这方面的内容,其它古代医书中虽然也有论及,但没有超过《洞玄子》的。 38dbb6fd5266d0165d5ad0f9992bd40734fa359b 扩展资料《洞玄子》最早与《素女经》《玄女经》《玉房秘诀》《玉房指要》等同见于日本丹波康赖撰著的《医心经》中,是我国唐、五代时期传入日本国的性学著作之一。 关于《洞玄子》的作者,有人认为是初唐医学家李洞玄,在公元七世纪中叶担任过唐朝宫廷的太医之职。元代医学家、养生学家李鹏飞在《天元延寿参赞书》中写道: 蜀王孟昶纳张丽华于观侧,一夕迅雷电火,张氏殒。道士李若冲,于上元夜见殿上有朱履衣冠之士,面北而立廓下,罗列罪人,有女子甚苦。白其师唐洞卿,师曰:此张丽华也。昔宠幸于此,衰渎高真所致。由是观之,天地间禁忌,不可犯也。 意思是: 蜀主孟昶接纳张丽华在观察身边,一天晚上突然雷电火,张氏去世。道士李如果冲,在元宵夜看殿上有红色的鞋衣冠之士,面北而立廓下,罗列有罪的人,有个女孩很痛苦。告诉他的老师唐洞你,老师说:这张华丽的。在这以前受宠,衰读高真所造成。由此看来,天地间禁忌,不可侵犯的。 参考资料来源:


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